Students from the Chair participated in the 2023 LASA Congress!
PhD students presented their research on citizen participation and social movements during the Latin American Studies Association congress, which took place in Vancouver from March 23rd to 27th.


Creating Local “Citizen’s Governance Spaces” in Austerity Contexts?: Food Recuperation and Urban Gardening in Montréal (Canada) as Ways to Pragmatically Invent Alternatives, Urban Affairs Review, 0(0).

Entender el populismo en Honduras: el caso del Partido Libertad y Refundación, El populismo en América Central: La pieza que falta para comprender un fenómeno global. Siglo XXI Editores. pp.121-146.

La jurisprudence de la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l’homme et les luttes autochtones : le cas des communautés du Chaco paraguayen, Les Cahiers de droit, 64(3), p. 493–526

Participation and Citizenship(s)

The Canada Research Chair in Participation and Citizenship(s) seeks to explore the links between forms of participation and the individual, collective and relational trajectories of the construction of citizenship(s) from a comparative perspective. The objective is to better understand from a theoretical point of view the institutional and emerging forms of participation, and their interactions with the processes of inclusion and (re)definition/transformation of the boundaries of this citizenship.


Under the tenure of Françoise Montambeault, Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Montreal, the research falls within the field of comparative politics. They are interested in civic participation, democracy, social inclusion, expanding access to citizenship rights and redefining the boundaries of citizens' membership in political communities.


See the Chaire’s participations and events to come.

The Judicial Politics of Abortion in Latin America: Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica
Étudier les élections quand les données manquent protocoles d’enquêtes électorales en Amérique latine
Les mouvements sociaux dans le système politique brésilien  entre reculs et résistances