The Team

Priscylla Joca

Ph.D Student

Priscylla Joca is a Ph.D. candidate in law at the University of Montreal, researching about FPIC and mechanisms for consultation elaborated by Indigenous peoples (as the Indigenous consultation protocols). She is a research assistant for the project « Peuples autochtones, territoires et ressources: une analyse comparée des mécanismes de traduction du consentement préalable, libre et éclairé ,» under the supervision of the professor Françoise Montambeault, and member of the Observatory of Community Consultation Protocols in Brazil.

Fields of interest
Right to free, prior and informed consent
Rights of Indigenous, Quilombola and traditional peoples and communities
Territorial rights
Social and environmental justice

P. JOCA. (2016). “O Direito através do Espelho: contribuições da assessoria jurídica popular às lutas de movimentos populares em torno do direito à terra e ao território (The law beyond the mirror: contributions of the legal consultancy to social movements on their struggles for the right to land and territory)”, 2 InSURgência: Revista de Direitos e Movimentos Sociais: 51-79.

P. JOCA et al., eds. (2017). Defensoria Pública, Assessoria Jurídica Popular e Movimentos Sociais e Populares: Novos Caminhos Traçados na Concretização do Direito de Acesso à Justiça (Public defenders, legal advice and social movements: new paths towards the application of the right to access to justice), vol. 2 (Goiás: Instituto de Pesquisa, Direitos e Movimentos Sociais, 2017).

(Accepted) F. MONTAMBEAULT, L. AMIN et P. JOCA. CPLE et protocoles de consultation autochtones au Brésil : trajectoires comparées. Soumis dans le cadre du numéro thématique le consentement préalable, libre et éclairé - du principe à la mise en œuvre en contexte canadien (sous la direction de Martin Papillon et Thierry Rodon), Revue Recherches amérindiennes au Québec.